Scientific Committee

A. Fernández CanteliUniversity of OviedoSpain
Abílio M.P. de JesusUniversity of PortoPortugal
Adão da FonsecaUniversity of PortoPortugal
Alain NussbaumerSwiss Federal Institute of Technology in LausanneSwitzerland
Aleksandar SedmakUniversity of BelgradeSerbia
Alessio PipinatoPipinato & Partners, University of PadovaItaly
Andréas AnderssonKTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
Andrei KotousovThe University of AdelaideAustralia
António Abel HenriquesUniversity of PortoPortugal
António ReisGrid International, IST/University of LisbonPortugal
Atillio ArcariU.S. Naval Research LaboratoryUSA
Ayhan InceDepartment of Mechanical, Industrial & Aerospace Engineering, Concordia UniversityCanada
Ana PetrovicUniversity of BelgradeSerbia
Behrooz KeshtegarDepartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of ZabolIran
Branislav DjordjevicUniversity of BelgradeSerbia
Carlos OliveiraPolytechnic Institute of Viana do CasteloPortugal
Carlos RebeloUniversity of CoimbraPortugal
Carlos SousaUniversity of PortoPortugal
Celina PezowiczWrocław University of Science and TechnologyPoland
Chao JiangCollege of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan UniversityChina
Chengwei FeiDepartment of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fudan UniversityChina
Cristina ReisUniversity of Trás-os-Montes and Alto DouroPortugal
Dariusz RozumekOpole University of TechnologyPoland
David RocubaCentro Tecnologico ComponentesSpain
Debiao MengSchool of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChina
Dianyin HuSchool of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang UniversityChina
Dimitrios PavlouUniversity of StavangerNorway
Diogo RibeiroPolytechnic Institute of PortoPortugal
Ehsan NoroozinejadGraduate University of Advanced TechnologyIran
Elias KassaNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Norway
Enrique CastilloUniversity of CantabriaSpain
Filippo BertoSapienza Universita di RomaItaly
Francesco IacovielloUniversity of Cassino e del Lazio MeridionaleItaly
Gilbert HénaffISAE – ENSMAFrance
Grzegorz LesiukWroclaw University of TechnologyPoland
Guian QianState Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesChina
Haohui XinDelft University of technologyNetherlands
Helder CraveiroUniversity of CoimbraPortugal
Helena GervásioUniversity of CoimbraPortugal
Henk KolsteinDelft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Hermes de CarvalhoFederal University of Minas GeraisBrazil
Hernán Pinto ArancetPontifical Catholic University of ValparaísoChile
Hryhoriy NykyforchynKarpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of UkraineUkraine
Humberto VarumUniversity of PortoPortugal
Jesús ToribioUniversity of SalamancaSpain
Jianfeng WenEast China University of Science and TechnologyChina
João Pedro MartinsUniversity of CoimbraPortugal
John LeanderKTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
José António CorreiaUniversity of PortoPortugal
José EstevesUniversity of PortoPortugal
Jose Maria GoicoleaTechnical University of MadridSpain
José Miguel CastroUniversity of PortoPortugal
José XavierNew University of LisbonPortugal
Katarzyna Pietrucha-UrbanikRzeszow University of TechnologyPoland
Laszlo TothBayzoltanHungary
Linamaría Gallegos MayorgaENSAMFrance
Lothar KrollChemnitz University of TechnologyGermany
Luis Simões da SilvaUniversity of CoimbraPortugal
Majid AyatollahiIran University of Science and TechnologyIran
Makoto TanabeKanagawa Institute of TechnologyJapan
María Jesús LamelaUniversity of OviedoSpain
María NogalTrinity College Dublin, the University of DublinIreland
Matthew HebdonVirginia TechUSA
Michał StosiakWrocław University of Sciencie and TechnologyPoland
Mieczysław SzataWrocław University of Sciencie and TechnologyPoland
Miguel CalventeUniversity of OviedoSpain
Milan VeljkovicDelft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Mirosław BocianWroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringPoland
Mykola KarpenkoVilnius Gediminas Technical UniversityLithuania
Nicholas FantuzziUniversity of BolognaItaly
Nicole ApetreTDA-iUSA
Paul CaizaKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
Paulo Tavares de CastroUniversity of PortoPortugal
Pedro MontenegroUnviersity of PortoPortugal
Peter HuffmanJohn DeereUSA
Raied KaroumiKTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
Raimundo Freire JúniorFederal University of Rio Grande do NorteBrazil
Roberto BrighentiUniversity of ParmaItaly
Rodrigo Falcão MoreiraPorto School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of PortoPortugal
Rui CalçadaUniversity of PortoPortugal
Rui Carneiro de BarrosUniversity of PortoPortugal
Rui LiuInstitute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of Engineering PhysicsChina
Rui MartinsNew University of LisbonPortugal
Sabrina VantadoriUniversity of ParmaItaly
Sergio Cicero GonzalezUniversity of CantabriaSpain
Sérgio TavaresEfacec Power SolutionsPortugal
Shengchuan WuState Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong UniversityChina
Shun-Peng ZhuCenter for System Reliability & Safety, University of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChina
Simon SedmakUniversity of BelgradeSerbia
Snežana KirinUniversity of BelgradeSerbia
Stanislav SeitlIPMCzech Republic
Stéphane SireUniversity of BrestFrance
Sylwia Werbinska-WojciechowskaWrocław University of Science and TechnologyPoland
Thomas UmmenhoferKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
Tiago FerradosaUniversity of PortoPortugal
Tomasz NowakowskiWroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringPoland
Wanming ZhaiSouthwest Jiaotong UniversityChina
Wojciech BłażejewskiWroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringPoland
Xavier RomãoUniversity of PortoPortugal
Xiancheng ZhangEast China University of Science and Technology, ChinaChina
Zbigniew MarciniakOpole University of TechnologyPoland
Zhongxiang LiuVirginia TechUSA
Wojciech Myszka
Wojciech Myszka
Site Admin, IT Service

I’m just cleaning here…